Fillers, Sculptra, & Radiesse | Pre & Post Treatment Care


(Fillers, Sculptra, & Radiesse)

  • Be sure you have completed all REQUIRED pre-appointment paperwork in your portal prior to your appointment - fill out the "My Profile", "Medical History", and complete/sign any forms under "Action Required" prior to your appointment.

  • For optimal results, and to minimize the chance of bleeding or bruising at the injection sites, please avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements for one week prior to your appointment. This includes over-the-counter medication such as aspirin, Motrin, ibuprofen, and Aleve. Also avoid herbal supplements such as garlic, vitamin E, Ginko Biloba, St. John's Wort and omega-3 capsules. If you have a cardiovascular history, please check with your doctor prior to stopping use of aspirin.

  • Please Inform your provider at Wild Moon Collective if you have a history of cold sores to receive advice on whether preventative antiviral therapy prior to treatment is necessary. (Valtrex 500 mg BID, 5 days, start 1-2 days prior to treatment.) If you have been seen prior, your provider can call in a prescription (All demographics in your portal “My Profile”, Health History, & Consents must be completed prior to being called in.) If you are a NEW CLIENT, a prescription will be called after your appointment.

  • Vaccinations 4 weeks prior or 4 weeks after a filler treatment are not recommended. If you have had a vaccination within the last 4 weeks or plan to in the next 4 weeks, please reschedule your appointment.

  • Filler within 2 weeks of any dental work (including a cleaning) is not recommended and appointments will need to be rescheduled.

  • Avoid any new or aggressive topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A) retinols, retinoids, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, or any "anti-aging" products for two days before and after treatment.

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before or after your treatment to avoid extra bruising.

  • Consider taking Arnica (can purchase at Wild Moon Collective or Amazon) to help the bruising and swelling. Begin taking at least two days prior to injections

  • Do not use dermal fillers or Sculptra/Radiesse if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are allergic to any of its ingredients, or suffer from any neurological disorders.


Dermal fillers last, on average, 6-24 months. It is recommended at the time of your treatment to schedule your next appointment for optimal anti-aging benefits. However, please call the office to notify us if you experience any additional side effects. 

    • Sleep on a clean pillowcase, clean your phone frequently, use a clean mask

    • Swelling post-treatment is normal. If you have swelling, you may apply a cool compress for 10 min on, and 10 min off to help minimize and for comfort.

    • Use Tylenol (acetaminophen) for discomfort.

    • If we treated the face and are having swelling, try to sleep face up and slightly elevated.

    • Consider taking Arnica (can purchase at Wild Moon Collective or Amazon) to help the bruising and swelling. Begin taking at least two days prior to injections.

    • Small lumps and bumps are normal while the filler settles. It can take up to 2 weeks for swelling to go down and up to 8 weeks for any lumps/bumps to settle.

    • Wait a minimum of four weeks before any laser treatments.

    • Wait at least 2 weeks for any new dental work, unless an emergency.

    • Wait at least 4 weeks for any vaccinations

    • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

    • Avoid extensive sun or heat for 72 hours.

    • Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salts to avoid excessive swelling.

  • You will be doing a firm massage to the treated area 5 times a day, for 5 minutes, for 5 days. We will walk you through process this during your appointment.

  • Avoid significant movement or massage to the treated area unless instructed by the provider.